
Christmas is just around the corner and many of the festivities have already begun. So put on your ugly christmas sweater and hug a hot chocolate and let's explore the best Christmas activities in Bilbao has to offer this Christmas. Tis' the season.

Basque Country is famous for their pintxos. People from all around Spain know about pintxos. If you are not from Spain you may be thinking, "So, what is a pintxo?"

If you think that calling 911 is universal, then you'd be wrong. It's nearly July and tourist season is ramping up. If you've never been to Basque Country or you are a little fuzzy on how to call the police or an ambulance this article is for you. 911 may be the one stop that hits all emergency services numbers in North America but in Europe, ...

Being in a different country, you'll come across surprises in the way things are done. Sometimes the changes are dramatic, like driving on the other side of the road, and sometimes they are small, like the colour of the street signs. Basque Country has a culture that is steeped in history and customs. It is one of the reasons why...

Coming to Basque Country? Don't speak Basque? Makes sense. In this edition of learning the Basque language we will be focusing on some institutional words that will come in helpful when exploring. Enjoy!

Have you ever thought about packing up and starting again somewhere new? The world is a big place with so much to see and do. If you were going to move, what factors would influence your decision? Would safety, life expectancy, equality, and purchasing power be a driving force? We think so, and here's what we found. Life in...

In Basque Country there are these large walls in pretty much every town. They appear to be part of a construction project that was started but never completed. Obviously, these are not abandoned construction projects but are actually frontons. So, what is a fronton and what is it used for? Let's find out!

Cultural differences are part of life. They aren't better or worse but rather a different take on the world. They derive from varying circumstances that arise for different reasons. How you view and adapt to cultural differences is about perception as much as function. Here are five differences you'll come across at the grocery store in Basque...

Coming to Basque Country? Don't speak Basque? Makes sense. In this edition of learning the Basque language we will be focusing on some common food and beverage words. Enjoy!

The Basque flag represents so much that it is difficult to put it into words. There is a sense of pride and conviction that emanates from the flag that can only be felt and created organically. This representation of the Basque people, their culture, and history soars proudly and will never be silenced.

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